After Sri Lanka I made a small stop in Kuala Lumpur (hub in Asia for flights to Oceania). I had only one day of real visit that I will introduce you 😊
Arrivée à l’hôtel
Arriving at the airport, you have to take the KLIA ekspres train that reaches the central station in half an hour (ticket price 55MR, about 11E). Then you have subways. You should be known that in Kuala Lumpur several companies share the subway market. There is not necessarily a link between the different lines of the network, sometimes you have to go out on the street to join another line. I took the airline (Monorail) and during turns the train leans as if it fall into the void, it’s quite impressive the first time you take it!

The hotels are quite cheap, I got a room at the Mercure hotel (41E per night) with access to the rooftop pool 😊
Botanic garden
At the beginning of the visit I went to the botanical garden, a little out of the way in the west. I wanted to walk from the central station to avoid a change of train. I do not recommend it! The city is not very pedestrian friendly, it is very difficult to cross the roads (sometimes there are no crosswalks, sometimes the only passage is high but only at each end of the street).
There are several theme parks / gardens, the orchid garden and the hibiscus are free. The butterfly garden costs 25MR, about 5E and the bird 69MR, about 14E. I find the price of the latter a little excessive and I really preferred being in the middle of butterflies 😊
Butterfly garden
It is a garden (under a large net) where the optimal conditions for butterflies are recreated (in practice it is even wetter than the city!)
Bird Park
It is the most famous park of Kuala Lumpur. You will find a lot of bird species including parrots. Some birds are free (the park is under net) while others are in aviaries. Maybe that’s what I liked least comparatively to the butterflies where we really are with them.
Petronas Towers
I then go to admire the Petronas tower, they are really impressive! So big that when you come out of the subway you see at first only one, the second being hidden behind. You can go up there and even take on online ticket. I don’t know if it is because I’m not connecting from a French IP address but I have never managed to buy on their site, the Visa security refusing each time the payment for lack of security (and I I tested a couple of bank cards …) I finally gave up trying to take more time in the garden.
And then tradition requires, little tour at Hard Rock Café 😉
I finally joined my hotel to enjoy the last rays of sun by the pool!
Conclusion: I liked this city, we get quickly to the subway system although I strongly advise you to have a GPS app with you! On the other hand it is not very pleasant on foot, it is difficult to know how to cross safely!
And now place to my waking dream: my WHV in New Zealand!!
Un pays magnifique avec ces paysages de folies ! J’avais beaucoup adorer KL j’y ai vécu 4 mois et c’était top ! Ton article me rappelle beaucoup de souvenirs 😀
J’adore les articles voyages ! Alors merci beaucoup pour ce partage 🙂 Surtout que je ne connaissais pas vraiment Kuala Lumpur (il faut dire que j’ignorais qu’ils avaient un métro et que ça m’a étonné haha).
Bisous x
Oooh les papillons qui ressemblent à des feuilles d’automne par terre !! Et c’est incroyable tous ces dessins et ces couleurs sur les autres, la nature est vraiment folle <3
Merci pour ces bonnes infos je sais qu’elles me serviront à un moment ou à un autre !
je n’en reviens pas du prix de la nuit à l’hotel MErcure … Bravo ça c’est un bon plan
Merci de partager ces quelques photos avec nous :). la vie de kuala lumpur a l’air très belle, je ne l’aurai pas imaginée comme cela 🙂
Noémie xx
[…] Ca y’est c’est la fin de mon séjour au Sri Lanka. Je vous prépare bientôt un article récap avec infos, logements, astuces, budget. Mais en attendant direction Kuala Lumpur! […]